Back and doing good, yeah!
17th December
Reported at 630 at school with the luggages. Freaking tired, then move all percussion items up to the bus where the rest boarded their buses too. Some unhappy stuffs happened, but everything was still smooth. :) Passed the customs, 2 toilet stops and a lunch stop before we reach KL. First exchange was with SMK SK wind band, Bukit Panjang and Queenstown. SK's playing was indeed wow. Everything ended around 6pm+ Went for dinner with Bukit Panjang, get to shop for tidbits and stuffs at a supermart. Checked into the hotel, had night rehearsal and then we were send back to our own rooms. :) Yasmin & Khailing were my room mates.
18th December
Were required to have breakfast, changed, prepared and reported with our instruments at the hotel lobby at 830. Full day rehearsal at the Putra Jaya Auditorium. Before lunch, we had our rehearsals with Mr Wong at the Auditorium then sectionals. After lunch, was sectionals all the way till about 4plus. We heard Hin Hua's playing, had a briefing, then everybody was sent back to the holding room. Westwood shared the same holding room with Queenstown. Dinner, and the concert started. Kinda freak out when I realise there was 3 timpanis only ;( Westwood was the last to perform among all 5 schools. Last 2 combine songs was awesome. A group photo with all 5 schools was taken, then was given freaking 9 mins to pack up. Didn't even take a freaking photo with the SK percussionist. It was awesome chaotic. I "love" it. -.- Broke down on the bus after that, then back to the hotel, brought our instruments back to our rooms. Had cup noodles, and went to bed.
19 December
Got to sleep later. So we were required to report at 11am+ I think. Before starting our lunch, Westwood and Bukit Panjang greeted each other! So cool! Lunch right after breakfast, bloated to the max. Started watching totoro on the bus already. :) Headed to Hin Hua for another exchange with Bukit Panjang only this time round. Had a great laugh with them, while we were trying out each other pieces. After everything ended, pictures taken, went off for dinner. After that, we get to shop at some local stalls around the restaurant we are in. Then went to see fireflies. The mosquitos were making me unable to enjoy the silence and the beautiful fireflies. x( Back to hotel. A lot of them went to Kenneth/Yiwen/Jieyun's room for party~ But I didnt went, was awesome tired. Michelle and Crystal came over to Khailing & I's room to eat cup noodles. Slept around 2am+
20 December
Reported damn freaking early at 8. Returned the keys, took photos at the hotel lobby, and also realised I lost my camera spare battery. Bade goodbye to Bukit Panjang and head to Malacca after that. Slept awhile on the bus, and had a great laugh with the some of the brasses and percussion on the bus. :) Had some sightseeing at I am not sure what does the place called. Then had lunch, and then shopping! Shopped with Lynn, Crystal, Jolene and Chinboon. Bought 2 shirts, and a watch, and a landyard. Hahahaha. After that, head to customs straight already. Had a toilet stop at Yong Peng station, met Queenstown there. Finally, home sweet home. Brother fetched me home after that :P
Rot at home on 21st of December. Too tired for anything.
More interesting events happened after that, will post again.
This will be all for the KL trip I went with WWCB. Made new friends, learnt a lesson, and learn lots of things. ;)
Merry belated christmas to everybody. ;)
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